SMTG Membership

We invite you to become Member of the 
International Print Triennial Society in Krakow

There are two types of memberships:
1. regular (download declaration form)
2. regular – artist (download declaration form)

Charter of Rights of SMTG Member – Regular (download)

1. The rights and obligations of SMTG Member enclosed in the Charter of Rights are to be used to define the mutual obligations and build close cooperation.

2. This Charter of Rights is in force since October 2011. SMTG Board reserves the right to make changes and additions. SMTG Board is obliged to inform the Members about any change made to the Charter of Rights.

3. A Member has the right to:

a) Use the rights under the Statute and regulations of SMTG.

b) Receive invitations to exhibitions, meetings, symposia organized by SMTG via e-mail.

c) Free entry to exhibitions organized by selected galleries and institutions (International Cultural Centre in Krakow, and TPSP Palace of Arts in Krakow) with SMTG Membership Card.

d) Be informed and participate in events organized by SMTG, such as openings of exhibitions, meetings, symposia.

e) Receive information about SMTG activity via e-mail.

f) Inform SMTG about exhibitions and events in the field of Graphic Arts.

g) Use the library, media library and SMTG archives for research purposes.

h) Purchase of one copy of MTG – Krakow Main Exhibition Catalogue and Grand Prix of Young Polish Print Catalogue with 50% discount.

i) Purchase SMTG publications with 30% discount.

j) Place a link to SMTG webpage on own webpage.

k) Recommend persons interested in SMTG Membership.

l) Make donations for SMTG.

4. A Member is obliged to:

a) Participate in the periodic meetings including the General Meeting of Memebers.

b) Promote SMTG activities in the country and abroad.

c) Pay the yearly Membership fee on time.

d) Report address/contact data changes to SMTG.

5. Signing of the Declaration of Membership means accepting the terms of this Charter of Rights.

Charter of Rights of SMTG Member – Regular – Artist (download)

1. The rights and obligations of SMTG Member enclosed in the Charter of Rights are to be used to define the mutual obligations and build close cooperation.

2. This Charter of Rights is in force since October 2011. SMTG Board reserves the right to make changes and additions. SMTG Board is obliged to inform the Members about any change made to the Charter of Rights.

3. A Member–Artist has the right to:

a) Use the rights under the Statute and regulations of SMTG.

b) Receive invitations to exhibitions, meetings, symposia organized by SMTG via e-mail.

c) Free entry to exhibitions organized by selected galleries and institutions (International Cultural Centre in Krakow, and TPSP Palace of Arts in Krakow) with SMTG Membership Card.

d) Be informed and participate in events organized by SMTG, such as openings of exhibitions, meetings, symposia.

e) Receive information about SMTG activity via e-mail.

f) Inform SMTG about exhibitions and events in the field of Graphic Arts.

g) Use the library, media library and SMTG archives for research purposes.

h) Purchase of one copy of MTG – Krakow Main Exhibition Catalogue and Grand Prix of Young Polish Print Catalogue with 50% discount.

i) Purchase SMTG publications with 30% discount.

j) Apply for exhibition at Centrum Gallery and Eksperyment Gallery on special financial conditions (details in Gallery Regulations on SMTG webpage).

k) Place a link to SMTG webpage on own webpage.

l) Send invitations to own exhibitions to be published on SMTG webpage.

m) Recommend persons interested in SMTG Membership.

n) Make donations for SMTG.

4. A Member-Artist is obliged to:

a) Participate in the periodic meetings including the General Meeting of Memebers.

b) Promote SMTG activities in the country and abroad.

c) Pay the yearly Membership fee on time.

d) Report address/contact data changes to SMTG.

5. Signing of the Declaration of Membership means accepting the terms of this Charter of Rights.

In order to become a Member of SMTG you need to submit filled in declaration to SMTG Office personally or by post and pay the yearly Membership fee of 15 Euro. 

Payment can be made to SMTG bank account:

IBAN: PL 54 1090 2053 0000 0001 1926 5592


Bank name: Bank Zachodni WBK O/Krakow

Bank address: Rynek Glowny 30, 31-010 Krakow, Poland

or via paypal to: